Monday, October 8, 2012

VP Debate - Joe Biden

You've got to be some kind of ogre not to love Joe Biden. I mean he has to be the most lovable Vice President we have ever had. He is also now considered quite the sex symbol among women of a certain age. 

Part of Joe's appeal is because he is well - Joe, just goofy, sweet Joe. Of course, the downside is that he sometimes falls over his tongue when he is being "cute" and comes out with some hum-dingers. That might happen at the Vice Presidential debate as he does have the retrograded Neptune sitting in his third house, the house of communication. 

However, that is about the only tricky item he has in his chart on debate night. He will be very loyal to President and play the role of healer after the President's less than stellar performance last week. The Vice President has transiting Juno and Mars in conjunction in his first house and they are conjuncting his progressed Neptune. You are going to see much of the same passion you saw in his Convention speech. Juno and Neptune are slow movers so they have been there awhile. Mars adds some fight to his words. Mars is pretty dominant in both men's charts that day so I do expect a fair amount of fireworks.

I expect Biden to take on the persona of the passionate diplomat. He has transiting Venus and Moon in the 9th house, the house of international affairs. They are both in Virgo so he should have his facts in order and be able to respond to anything Ryan may try to toss out. Also his progressed Moon is in the 8th house, the house of power. As long as he keeps that passion tamed so he doesn't blurt out anything goofy we should be OK.

I was teasing about his sex symbol status but he will appeal to women a lot during this debate. He has Jupiter, Ceres, Vesta and the Black Moon Lilith all in the 7th house, the house of personal interactions. He should use their energy to remind people about his and the tickets strong support of women's freedom and safety. Word to the Obama Team - let Joe address the women. Let him contrast the GOP's war on women with the Democrat's support of women... PLEASE. The time is perfect for him to do that.

That Mercury Saturn conjunction in the 11th house is also a good thing. He can try to emulate Bill Clinton's speech at the Convention where he will lay out point by point why his team is better. With the Virgo influence in the 9th and this it should - I say should - hold him in check so that he can make his detailed points. 

This is going to be a verbal battle - nothing polite about this evening!

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