Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Mother of Mother's Day

The woman responsible for making Mother's Day and institution never had her own children but started the day as a memorial to her own mother.  Anna Jarvis was not only a crusader to recognize the day she later became angry that it became too commercialized. She was reportedly upset with people who gave mom a printed card and candy that they would then share. She thought the gift should be something written from the heart just for your mom. (Boy would she be freaked out now!)

We don't have Anna's birth time but know that she was born May 1, 1864 in Webster, West Virginia. Even without the time we know a few things. One her south node, where she was coming from karmicaly was in Taurus so she had the karmic identity of being someone who wanted to around beautiful things and had a creative sense. (No wonder she wanted everyone to write a personal note to mom.)  She also had Sun in Taurus.

With her Moon in Pisces, she was compassionate, emotional and carried a bit of a martyr complex. Now I might get in trouble here but with her Chiron, the deep wound, next to her Moon I think she was overcompensating for  her own feelings of not being a "perfect daughter." I could never live up to you mom - never do enough for you mom so I will make my life's work to show everyone that I really, really did love you.

She also had Mars and Pallas Athena in Pisces - these are the warrior god and goddess - so her cause - her battle is going to be to make everyone back to Mom (whether they want to or not.)  She just had a ton of Pisces - that need to sacrifice and wear the emotionalism on her sleeve.

So as you shop for mom, make those florists and restaurants rich, all this Pisces/Taurus wanted was for you write her a note!

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Karmic Astrology by Joan's Fan Box