Tuesday, September 13, 2011


A friend whined to me a few weeks ago, "When is Mercury going to get out of retrograde?" It was about to leave I assured her. (However, it will zip back in November 23 - December 13.) Retrogrades are a time for whining. Everything seems to go backwards, cars don't start, computers go on the fritz, and things just don't get done. However, instead of whining we should remember that retrogrades are a time for going within and working on the internal stuff before pushing forward.

Right now we have an inordinate amount of number going retrograde. No wonder people feel like they are under water and so dejected.

Pluto is still in retrograde - until Sept 16 - but we talked about Pluto recently in another blog entry.

Right now most of the "girls" - the big asteroid are in retrograde. Juno, Vesta and Ceres are all retrograded. Juno is where our loyalty lies - so there might be relationship issues coming up. Vesta, where we feel we must dedicate to something, when in retrograde will make us feel like I can't get excited about anything. Ceres is our mothering, nurturing nature - need I say more?

An asteroid that vibrates to male energy, Chiron, our sacred wound issue - a pain so deep we don't want to deal with it is also retrograded. We are feeling pain but can't get to the source, can't confront it.

Had enough? Too bad. Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter are also all retrograded! Really people - I wish the pundits who rap about how the American people are feeling can take a look at this! Neptune, our connection to the spiritual, Uranus, our energetic change energy and Jupiter our expansion and hope guide are all going in reverse. Makes you sleepy just reading it.

Never fear - these guys never stand still for long. Jupiter is being quite dramatic and going straight again on December 25, Uranus December 10, Chiron November 10, Neptune November 9 and Ceres December 6. Vesta will only be retrograded a few more days and Juno will follow Chiron.

So see - it won't last. Remember that retrograde is a time to go within and learn why we are feeling the way we are. Whining never gets us anywhere!

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Karmic Astrology by Joan's Fan Box