Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The State of the Union -- Continued

Last week I started to talk about the progressed chart of the United States because my acupuncturist asked me, "What in the world is going on with the U.S. right now?"

One really fascinating placement is our progressed Chiron, our wound issue, is in the 1st house in Sagittarius. Chiron is where we carry a wound so deep that we don't want to go near it - it is like a nagging pain we don't want to aggravate.  With Chiron in Sagittarius in our first house - the house of who we are it is a good time to come to reckoning with our spiritual truth. I happen to think this is the last hurrah of hard right spiritual forces in our political arena. Yes, it might be wishful thinking but this Chrionic wound issue will soon be in the 12th house - and while it will be even stronger it will once again be "underground." The 12th house is the hidden house - the first house is the house of how we project in the world.

Chiron is loosely opposed to Mars in Gemini in the 7th - as these two pull away and Chiron recedes into the 12th house - the vocal, vigilant and some cases violent hard "religious right" should have their power weakened. However, don't for one minute think they will go gentle into that good night.

I tend to be a pessimist when it comes to the future of this country. However, I am happy to see that Sun and Venus are transiting the 8th house - that is actually a good sign for us. Sun and Venus in the house of power and personal transformation are transiting over our progressed ascendant and our North Node. Venus was the goddess of beauty and love but she also dealt with money. We forget how much of an influence Venus has on money. (Mercury is the flow of money - Venus is the personal gaining of money.) Hopefully, President Obama will hang strong and force Congress to make some good long term financial decisions.

The stars are working in our favor - that doesn't mean we won't still screw it up! Perhaps if more people call and crash a few websites on the House they will come to their senses.

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Karmic Astrology by Joan's Fan Box